Wordpress Coding

Add image size in wordpress

To add an custom image size for your wordpress template you need to add the following code to your functions.php file.

add_image_size( 'slideshow-background', 930, 300, true ); // Hard Crop Mode, …
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Wordpress - Don't display sub category posts

To limit the post being displayed on a category or archive page. You just need to add the following code to the top of you archive.php (or category.php) file.

$this_category = …
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Category specific column settings in Wordpress and Yootheme

Using a Yootheme template and need the ability to set a columns for individual categories in Wordpress?

I did and this is how i went about it.

firstly in my template folder

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yootheme wordpress layout override

Recently working on a clients website i needed a different styled layout for one category.

Usually in Wordpress this can be easily accomplished by copying your archive/content/single (here just …

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